RestAssured #14 - API Automation Practice (Part 1)- Crocodile API - Create Crocodiles (POST Request)
This article will cover the Create Crocodiles test case automation to demonstrate POST Request automation using POJO for request and response payload. Also, it will create a basic structure to organise code in a better way.
Below are the steps we need to add for the above test case -
Create a new user -
Get access token -
Create crocodile using endpoint -
Project Structure
I will create 3 layers as below for automating test cases -
Core Layer- This will contain utils to perform common actions like DateFormatUtils, RandomNumberUtils, APIResponseDetailsExtractor
Business/Application Layer
POJO - It will contain POJO classes for request and response body
Flows - It will contain steps to perform HTTP methods using POJO
Presentation/Test Layer- This is a test layer which will call Flows to perform the test
First will create CrocodilesPOJO to represent Crocodiles JSON which will be used for request and response payload in src/main directory under package "app.e2e.crocodiles.pojo"
public class CrocodilesPOJO {
private String crocodileName;
private String gender;
private String crocodileDOB;
private int age;
private int id;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
public void setId(int id) { = id;
public CrocodilesPOJO(){
public CrocodilesPOJO(String crocodileName, String gender, String crocodileDOB) {
this.crocodileName = crocodileName;
this.gender = gender;
this.crocodileDOB = crocodileDOB;
public String getCrocodileName() {
return crocodileName;
public void setCrocodileName(String crocodileName) {
this.crocodileName = crocodileName;
public String getGender() {
return gender;
public void setGender(String gender) {
this.gender = gender;
public String getCrocodileDOB() {
return crocodileDOB;
public void setCrocodileDOB(String crocodileDOB) {
this.crocodileDOB = crocodileDOB;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public int getId() {
return id;
Second will create CreateCrocodilesFlow class which will send POST request to create crocodile and return response object for validation in src/main directory under package "app.e2e.crocodiles.flows"
public class CreateCrocodilesFlow {
private final String baseUri = "";
private final String createCrocodilesPath = "/my/crocodiles/";
private CrocodilesPOJO crocodilesPOJO;
public CrocodilesPOJO getCrocodilesPojoResponse() {
return crocodilesPojoResponse;
private CrocodilesPOJO crocodilesPojoResponse;
public CreateCrocodilesFlow(String crocodileName, String gender, String crocodileDOB){
crocodilesPOJO = new CrocodilesPOJO(crocodileName,gender,crocodileDOB);
RestAssured.baseURI = baseUri;
public APIResponseDetailsExtractor createCrocodile(String authToken){
Response response = RestAssured.given()
.header("Authorization","Bearer "+authToken)
crocodilesPojoResponse =;
return new APIResponseDetailsExtractor(response);
Lastly will create CrocodilesTest class in src/test directory under the package "e2e.crocodiles.tests"
which will create a crocodile and validate the response using createCrocodilesTest method
public class CrocodilesTest {
private String authToken;
public void createUserAndGetToken(){
String dateTime = DateFormatUtils.getTimeStamp("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
int fourDigitRandom = RandomNumberUtils.getRandomNumber(4);
String password = "1";
String firstName = "TestUser";
String lastName = dateTime + fourDigitRandom;
String userName = firstName + lastName;
String email = userName + "";
CreateUserFlow newUser = new CreateUserFlow(userName,firstName,lastName,email,password);
APIResponseDetailsExtractor newUserResponse = newUser.createUser();
LoginUserFlow userLogin = new LoginUserFlow(userName,password);
APIResponseDetailsExtractor userLoginResponse = userLogin.performLoginUsingTokenAuth();
authToken = userLoginResponse.getResponseBodyUsingKey("access");
public void createCrocodilesTest(){
String crocodileName = "Test Crocodile";
String gender = "M";
String dob = "2010-06-27";
CreateCrocodilesFlow createCrocodile = new CreateCrocodilesFlow(crocodileName,gender,dob);
APIResponseDetailsExtractor createCrocodileResponse = createCrocodile.createCrocodile(authToken);
//Validate status code is 201
//Validate response body
CrocodilesPOJO crocodileDetails = createCrocodile.getCrocodilesPojoResponse();
assert crocodileDetails.getId() > 0;
assert crocodileDetails.getAge() > 0;
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